Blueberry Crunch Parfaits

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R is for Recipe: Blueberry Crunch Parfaits

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Because July is the peak of blueberry season here in Michigan, I have decided to share a new blueberry recipe each week this month.  I love blueberries and have ever since I was a kid. I remember going blueberry picking with my mom and my grandfather.  Those berries sure tasted good right off the bush warmed perfectly by the sun.  Yum!

Today I will share with you the “recipe” for blueberry crunch parfaits. This combination was introduced to me by a dear neighbor many years ago when I was just a kid.  It continues to be my go-to snack every summer when fresh blueberries are in abundance.

Blueberry Crunch Parfaits


Plain or vanilla yogurt, regular, low fat or greek

Fresh blueberries, rinsed and dried

Post Grape-nuts cereal


Spoon a layer of yogurt into a glass or a bowl. Top with a handful of blueberries and a sprinkle of Grape-nuts. Repeat 1-2 times. That’s all there is to it. It is almost embarrassing to call this a recipe because it is so simple.  But it really is delicious!

The secret ingredient is the Grape-nuts cereal. Can you believe it? This cereal adds just the perfect crunch to the sweetness of the berries and yogurt. I think Grape-nuts are a bit of a hidden gem. They are good as hot or cold cereal. I also love to add them to my salads in place of croutons.  Again, they add just the right crunch without a ton of calories.

What do you think? Will you give it a try? Whether enjoying these blueberry crunch parfaits for breakfast or a healthy snack, you won’t regret giving this simple treat a try.

If you enjoyed this blueberry recipe, you might also enjoy these blueberry favorites:

Blueberry Crisp

Blueberry Coffee Cake

Blueberry Lavender Sauce

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14 thoughts on “Blueberry Crunch Parfaits

    • Thank you, Melanie. This snack is really tasty too! I love anything that gets some extra protein and fruit or veggies in my kiddos too. I appreciate you visiting and commenting. 🙂

  1. Oh my gosh, I just can’t get enough of blueberries! Thanks so much for linking up with us at You Link it We Make It! We hope you’ll link up with us again! – Kim @

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