Welcome to Family Joy Blog Link Up Party #21. I am so thrilled to be co-hosting this fabulous party. Last week was such a blast and we had so many great links. I can’t wait to see what you all have been up to this week. I have been in full blown birthday party mode lately. Ava turns 4 this weekend and we are having a My Little Pony celebration. It is pony madness around here! I cut out a giant Pinkie Pie to play pin the tail on the pony, we will be making stick ponies out of pool noodles for party favors and I have spent the last hour making fun tissue paper flowers to decorate with. Did I mention the 4 foot tall Pinkie Pie balloon I picked up tonight? The birthday girl is so excited. I can’t wait to share pictures and inspiration soon. I hope you are having a fantastic weekend as well.
Let’s get this party started. Please remember that this is a link up for family, kid, recipe and DIY posts. We welcome you all to Link Up Party #21.
Now, let’s enjoy a great party this week, and remember sharing is caring!
Meet The Hosts
Meet your host: Charlene
I am a SAHM with two beautiful children. I am the owner of Thinking Outside The Pot.
My blog is full of great recipes, DIY/crafts, tips/hints and of course Autism Awareness.
Follow Charlene
Thinking Outside The Pot’s latest Joy: Purple Cabbage Coleslaw
Meet our wonderful Co-Hosts:
Sammy is a So. CA area SAHM mom of two. Sammy is passionate about being a SAHM and wants
to share her ideas for family fun, parenting, raising kids and other helpful tips with you.
Mommyhood can get a little bit crazy sometimes, but we are all in this together!
Follow Sammy
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Sammy Approves Latest Joy: 10 places to Shop for Baby Items on a Budget
Rachel is a stay at home mom who loves cooking, crafting, anything natural and organic, and getting a good deal!
Her goal in life is to raise decent kids, and encourage others in any way she can.
Follow Rachel
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Rachel’s Latest Joy: Questioning My Plate: America’s Out of Whack Nutrition
Marisa is a homeschooling mom of two, passionate about inspiring and encouraging women in their calling as mothers.
She writes about the ups and downs of motherhood, parenting advice, faith, and
home education on her blog.
Follow Marisa
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Marisa’s Latest Joy: Please Don’t Feel Judged By My Parenting Decisions
Follow Cristina
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Cristina’s Latest Joy: Grow Your Own Salad Bowl
Mistie Mistie is a happy wife and mother of two amazing boys. Homespun Engineer is a blog about creating and maintaining a simple happy home through DIY projects,natural home and beauty recipes, fun kid activities, and tasty food.
Follow Mistie
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Mistie’s Latest Joy: 11 Patriotic Recipes and Projects
Now for the Spotlights…That’s right Features!
Charlene’s Pick
Follow Bottom Left of the Mitten : Facebook,Twitter,Pinterest,Instagram
Sammy’s Pick
Follow Mother of 3 : Facebook,Pinterest, Google +
Rachel’s Pick
Follow Kreative K : Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest
Marisa’s Pick
Follow Ten Thousand Hour Mama : Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest
Cristina’s Pick
Follow Jenny Evolution : Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest
Mistie’s Pick
Follow Tikkido : Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, Twitter
** If you are featured at Family Joy Blog Link Up Party don’t forget to share our featured button on your blog.***