Ava's Alphabet

Family Joy Blog Link-Up Party #28

Sharing is Caring!

Welcome to Family Joy Blog Link Up Party #28!
How is it possible that it is the last day of July already?!? I have had fun featuring a different blueberry recipe on the blog each week this month.  I really can’t get enough of fresh blueberries. On to peaches, I guess. It will be apple season before we know it. We have some really great features at the party this week.  I hope you take some time to visit each one.  How about that blue painted sideboard?  What a transformation! I just love the result.  Let’s see what you have been working on this week!  Please remember that this is a link up to share your family, kid, recipe and DIY related posts. We welcome you all to party #28!
Now let’s enjoy a great party this week. Remember that sharing is caring at this link up party!



Charlene @ Thinking Outside The Pot: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Google +, Blog
Samantha @ Sammy Approves: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Google +, Blog
Rachel @ Don’t Call Me Supermom: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Google +, Blog
Cristina @ Ava’s Alphabet: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Google +, Blog
Charlotte @ Pursue Your Project: Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google +, Blog


Thinking Outside The Pot: DIY Back-To-School Pencil Bag
Sammy Approves: How to Solve Baby & Toddler Sleep Problems
Don’t Call Me Supermom: Adorable Little Girl Hair Styles That Actually Stay In
Ava’s Alphabet: Blueberry Coffee Cake
Pursue Your Project: Canning Green Beans


My Suburban Kitchen: Rainbow Farro Salad
Creating Really Awesome Fun Things: DIY Personalized Lunch Box
Busy Bliss: 4 Simple Steps To Become A Morning Person
Just The Woods: Custom Angelic Blue Painted Sideboard
Sandy A La Mode: Austin’s 4th Airplane Birthday Party


** If you are featured don’t forget to grab our Featured button**


**Please be kind and share our Link Party button on your social media’s copy the link below**


Generate your button code

***By participating, you are giving us permission to share your link on our social medias. Also use your image on the following weeks party if featured***




Want to come back next week?? We hope you do! Sign up for a reminder about the Family Joy Blog Link Up Parties!

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