Welcome to Family Joy Blog Link Up Party #31!
I took Ava to her first ballet class today and she absolutely loved it. She just radiated joy the whole time and reflected on it all day. We signed up for a fall series of classes and she can’t wait for them to begin. My first baby is growing up! She will start Pre-K and her first dance lessons in September. Speaking of fall, I am having a hard time getting in fall mode. It is just too hard to say goodbye to summer. I do adore the paper raffia pumpkin I am featuring this week so maybe that will help get me in the fall spirit. Without further ado, let’s see what you you all have been working on. Please remember that this is a link up to share your family, kid, recipe and DIY related posts. We have changed our party rules slightly this week so be sure to review them below.
Now let’s enjoy a great party this week. Remember that sharing is caring at this link up party!
Charlene @ Thinking Outside The Pot: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Google +, Blog
Samantha @ Sammy Approves: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Google +, Blog
Cristina @ Ava’s Alphabet: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Google +, Blog
Charlotte @ Pursue Your Project: Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google +, Blog
Thinking Outside The Pot: How To Start A Blog
Sammy Approves: 60 After School Questions to Ask Your Kids Year Round
Ava’s Alphabet: Easy Mocha Pound Cake
Pursue Your Project: Give a Child a Shoebox This Christmas
Hello Nature: Citrus Infused Vinegar Cleaner
Family Joys: My At Home Preschool
Sparkle Living Blog: Paper Raffia Pumpkin
Inspiration For Moms: Apple Cider Doughnuts
** If you are featured don’t forget to grab our Featured button**
**Please be kind and share our Link Party button on your social media’s copy the link below**

***By participating, you are giving us permission to share your link on our social medias. Also use your image on the following weeks party if featured***
Thank you so much for the feature! Loved the other features as well.
Thanks for partying with us at Family Joy Blog Link-Up Party! Hope to see you Sunday at the next party starting at noon EST. Have a great week!